Acroyoga at School

Acroyoga at School

Sometimes things just work in synchronicity. My students had been learning about well-being and many different types of fitness, and a friend of mine asked if a visiting acroyoga teacher could teach at my school. I was already booked to attend his workshop the next day, so wanted to see if he would be good at not only teaching adults, but also kids. Olí, Oliver Chamorro Moreno, was amazing! I knew my students would love him. I got the okay from my boss for Olí to come be a guest teacher, and it was a go.

We started by introducing ourselves with a movement that our classmates needed to repeat.

We started by introducing ourselves with a movement that our classmates needed to repeat.



Oli style animal oriented sun salutations.

Oli style animal oriented sun salutations. These included lots of laughing.

Being lizards

Being lizards

...and a dog peeing...

…and a dog peeing…

...and frogs

…and frogs

Learning to trust each other

Learning to trust each other

Even more trust while holding on to only one hand

Even more trust while holding on to only one hand



...and stretching

…and stretching

learning breathe together

learning breathe together

and stand up together

trying to stand up together

This wasn't easy

This wasn’t easy

Sometimes we needed a little help. Thanks David.

Sometimes we needed a little help. Thanks David.



...heading to child's pose...

…heading to child’s pose…

For an acroyoga partner pose

…for an acroyoga partner pose


They can do it!

They can do it!


Preparation for beginning  of basing and flying

Preparation for beginning of basing and flying

Oli and David show us how it's done.

Oli and David show us how it’s done.

learning to fly

learning to fly




Getting a little fancy

Getting a little fancy

Students getting fancy too!

Students getting fancy too!


Super fancy!

Super fancy!

It's so nice to see students happy for each other

It’s so nice to see students happy for each other.

Hearing about Amma and her superpowers.

Singing about Amma and her superpower…hugging

A sweet time at the closing circle was hearing the students describe how acroyoga uses many different ways of well-being. They realized it was not only physical, but a lot about trust, listening, and making connection.

Thank you Oli and David

Thank you, muchas gracias, and merci Oli and David. Also, khap khun kha Panyaden School for allowing such a fantastic workshop.

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